"I
love
you,
Mother,"
the
daughter
said,
As
she
gave
her
mom
the
doll,
The
white
haired
lady
sweetly
smiled,
"How
nice
of
you
to
call."
Then
two
withered
arms
reached
up,
To
receive
her
welcomed
treasure,
The
wrinkled
face
was
radiant,
Which
revealed
the
lady's
pleasure.
"Rock
a
bye,
baby,
in
the
tree
top,"
Came
a
gentle,
quiet
voice,
The
lady
sang
to
the
baby
doll,
The
daughter's
eyes
grew
moist.
The
daughter
patted
the
mother's
hand,
"Who
are
you?"
the
lady
asked,
"I'm
your
daughter,
Mom
...
your
baby,"
But,
somehow
that
thought
slipped
past.
The
lady's
brow
tied
up
in
knots,
As
she
searched
her
tired
mind,
"No-o,"
she
said,
"I
don't
think
so,
This
baby
here
is
mine."
"Rock
a
bye,
baby,
in
the
tree
top,"
Again
she
cradled
the
doll,
And
again
the
daughter's
eyes
welled-up,
Because
her
mom
could
not
recall.
"Rock
a
bye,
baby,
in
the
tree
top,"
Odd
how
her
mom
remembered
that
song,
Yet
she
didn't
know
her
own
daughter,
Strange
how
the
mind
moves
along.
"Here,"
the
lady
smiled
and
said,
"Here
...
you
can
hold
my
doll,
Just
for
a
moment
...
she's
mine,
you
know,
wouldn't
want
her
to
fall."
The
daughter
carefully
took
the
doll,
And
smoothed
its
little
dress,
"Don't
fret,
Mom,
I'll
take
care
of
her."
Then
she
hugged
it
to
her
breast.
"Rock
a
bye,
baby,
in
the
tree
top,"
The
two
voices
sang
together,
The
daughter
took
the
mother's
hand,
Now
lighter
than
a
feather.
"I
The
mother
grabbed
for
the
doll,
And
the
daughter,
caught
off
guard,
Couldn't
help
but
let
it
fall.
The
mother
dissolved
into
tears,
She
cried
and
sobbed;
her
shoulders
heaved,
"There,
there,"
the
daughter
soothed
her,
Then
the
dolly
was
retrieved.
"It's
okay,
Mom
...
don't
cry,
See
...
your
baby's
not
hurt
a
bit,
She's
just
as
good
as
new,
Still
in
one
piece
...
and
fit."
The
mother
took
the
dolly
then,
And
hugged
it,
as
she
rocked,
Her
tiny
voice
sang
out
once
more,
"Rock
a
bye,
baby,
in
the
tree
top,"
The
daughter
rose;
it
was
time
to
go,
She
kissed
her
mother
and
the
doll,
The
lady
smiled,
"Oh,
must
you
leave?
How
nice
of
you
to
call."
The
daughter
sat
outside
the
Home,
For
a
long
time
in
her
car,
"Oh
Mom!
Oh
Mom!
miss
you
so!
This
whole
thing
is
bizarre."
She
pounded
on
the
steering
wheel,
"God!
Why
put
my
mom
through
this?
It
isn't
right!
It
isn't
fair!
This
is
not
the
way
she
should
exist!"
don't
suppose
the
daughter
knows,
Her
pain
is
greater
than
her
mom's,
Who,
in
her
little
dream-like
world,
Does
not
know
what's
going
on.
There's
a
closeness
of
a
child
with
God,
That
for
many
adults
has
disappeared,
Thus
a
childish
mind
in
an
aging
soul
May
be
God's
way
of
drawing
near.
Maybe
the
daughter
can't
reach
her
Mom,
But
rest
assured,
God
can,
"Rock
a
bye,
baby,
in
the
tree
top,"
God's
cradling
Mom
in
His
hands.
written
by
Virginia
(Ginny)
Ellis