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Item # Item Description Quantity Price

Extended Price

12 CD Special (All 12 CDs for $99) 
Any 3 CD Special  - Pick any 3 CDs - Mark your choices below by putting a 1 or X  in the Quantify by the CD.
104 Dreams of Love CD $12.00
105 Old Time Favorites CD $12.00
106 Old Time Gospel CD $12.00
107 Turning of the Key CD $12.00
108 Hymns for You CD $12.00
109 Hopes, Dreams, Meditations CD $12.00
110 The Joys of Christmas CD $12.00
111 America the Beautiful CD $12.00
112 The Rose CD $12.00
113 Give Thanks CD $12.00
114 To God Be The Glory CD $12.00
115 Kitten on the Keys CD $12.00
201 1 Year Subscription to LLERRAH  Ecards $ 8.00
202 2 Year Subscription to LLERRAH  Ecards $14.00

Sub Total:

(Free shipping in USA) (if outside of USA then add $6)     Shipping:

Texas residents add 8.25% tax     Sales Tax:


Thank you for your order!   If you have any questions please then go here.

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  2701 W. 15th Suite 631
  Plano, TX  75075